

Confidence Catalyst

First Step is the Hardestthe (neuro) science and art of improving mindset

A great part of our lives happens inside our heads – in rehashing the past, predicting and anticipating the future, deducing the present, speculating the situation and people.  If you (one-on-one or group coaching) really want to change your life, the best place to begin is by changing your mind.  If you are ready to make 2015 the best year ever with CONFIDENCE, read more

The 1/1/1 Leader Project

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 9.37.22 AMThe world has changed over the years.  Stress has been on the rise with little time to focus on the smaller things in life. We are becoming distant; as families, communities, and as a country. 

The 1/1/1 Leader Project is here to create social cohesion across individuals, families and communities to rally happiness among individuals, families and communities. 

What’s the 1/1/1 Leader Project? Learn more

Workshops for Young Adults and Adults (Change Makers)

Group of People in Seminar

The workshops are designed to inspire young adults and adults alike, develop intrinsic motivation and confident mindset, and generate a focused SUCCESS ACTION PLAN.

A successful future – 21stcentury belongs to our young teens. However, only One-Third of American Students Surveyed Are Ready for the Future.  Why ACT now?  Click here to find out!

Studies that have examined average job satisfaction within organizations have produced the strongest evidence of a link between well-being and performance.  Whether it is an individual, group, family, team, association, organization or community, peoples’ well-being is at the center of performance and productivity.  If you are ready to live a fulfilling life, read more….

Workshops for Organizations

Screen Shot 2015-01-07 at 9.33.03 AMStudies have shown that actively disengaged employees cost the U.S. between $450 billion to $550 billion each year in lost productivity.  The study of 22,347 employees across 12 countries including the UK and US, revealed that over half of those employees claiming to be experiencing high stress levels reported they were disengaged.  If you are ready to increase employee engagement and increased productivity or create a Leadership Academy customized for your organization, read more…

Inspirational Speaking Engagements:

ConferenceWhether you need a keynote inspirational speaker, conduct a break out session, or need a panelist, Divya has one tenet – make it unique, relevant and energetic experience. She will inspire the audience and provide meaningful content to jumpstart that the audience can use.  So if you are looking for an inspirational speaker that will create a lasting connection at your next event, read more…

Interview Podcasts

wifi symbol on hand

What does it mean to be a successful? Success is finding meaning, engagement and happiness in personal life and work as well as achieving desired outcomes that defy assumptions. Listen more……

Knowing the Dream, Living the Expedition and Reaching the Destination

There are bound to be times in our lives when we feel that our dreams and plans for the future have gone astray. We had high expectations for our future but somehow, along the path, we accidentally took a wrong turn and got off course. Our intentions were good but decisions, choices and circumstances have put us in a different place than we expected.

But what if there was a way you could get back in touch with those dreams, and set a course of action to get to where you really want to go?

Come learn how to rediscover what it is you want for your life, how to put a plan into place to achieve it, and how to make it real. By following some very simple steps laid out in my Special Report, you will find success and satisfaction in this process.

Isn’t it time that you finally get back on track toward your goals, and turn them into reality? Just imagine the fulfillment and satisfaction you’ll experience!

In today’s highly aggressive economic climate, achieving your dreams requires focused effort on how to differentiate your talents so you stand out in a sea of competitive sharks.Its about Managing Risk, and Developing a Style that “POPS”.We provide a unique experience that uses the power you innately possess as fertile ground. After personal consultation, we create your own distinct personal strategy, specifically tailored towards the pursuit of YOUR dreams for sustained success and happiness.We work as your Personal Partner to manage risk. Managing, rather than avoiding risk, prepares you to face new challenges as you grow. So it becomes a life cycle of seeing risk as your ally.Everyone knows “that person” in business that has the perfect style that gets them what they want, where they want it, and when they want it – they have clout, salesmanship, and grace, all wrapped up in one stylish package.Join us in partnership to become the leader that:

  • Inspires your peers
  • Impresses your superiors
  • Takes on risk by the horns
  • Delivers true value

All with that unique style, specifically developed by YOU.


Divya Parekh
Career Leadership and Wellness Coach
